

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Funny birds

Term 2 reflection

We had fun this term with sport like netball, rugby and soccer.
We were sad to learn that Mrs Prendergast was going to leave us.
We learned about fractions this term and found it hard but improved a lot.
We had fun doing the korus for our art and using them in our lino carving.
It was hard to carve but we did well. Our designs look great.
We had a nice teacher and look forward to our new teacher.
We learned how to write explanations for writing and wrote about our favourite animals.
At the end of the term we learned how to make fortune tellers and had lots of fun making them.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Club Penguin

Club Penguin is a site for penguins but it is used by humans. When you are a member you can play games and buy things for your penguin. Club Penguin can also celebrate things like halloween and Christmas and a lot of other things, and you can win stuff.


We have put a clip on about dominoes because it is cool! It is totally awesome when we watched it so we wanted to share it.

tom and jerry

This is tom and jerry

same as my guitar

This is absolutely the same as my guitar
Please comment for me

Sunday, June 20, 2010

soccer panda

Super cool soccer panda better then beckem by sea otter 1

Kung fu Panda

This is a Po doing Kung Fu on a pokemon card.
it is really cool Please vote

I'm cute right

I'm cute right and I'm as fast as lightning

Isn't this bird and bull picture cute ? Please comment.

Who's the cutest,We are!

Ahhhhh meiow ahhhhh you scary!!!

This is a cute little fluff ball.
Please write why you think it could be scared of??
A dog? A scary person tell us!!!
sharsquarepantsxxx and lollie pop

animal explanations

in room3 we have done animal explanations about different animals

Pandas are awesome

Pandas are cool!!!!! And fluffy!!!!!!!!!! by snowee

talking panda

Baby panda trys to learn to talk.By Capsicum


wonder what song he is playing

Kitty cat

I chose this picture because I thought it was really funny

Rock Star Pandas

Room 3 have been doing explanation writting on animals.Its going really well.Our picture is really cool and funny
because its 4 Rockstar Pandas.

Rock Stars

strange elephant

Strange elephant sits in a tree.

not very

Its a scary rat

by someone

optical illusions

in room 3 we have been learning about optical illusions a lot and how they work

cute puppys

I think this is super cute! do you think this is very cute?

Funny Animal

This is a funny animals picture I found. I found it funny so I hope you do to!

Sea otter pups

Sea otter pups are very week at first they will live on their mothers stomach for a few months.Sea otter pups dad will move away when a sea otter pup is old enough it will learn to swim and will play mostly hide and seek with other sea otters. by sea otter 1

Explanation writing

In Room 3 we have been learning to write explanations about animals. We have all done different animals, finding information about them and talking about them.

Monday, April 26, 2010

What simple Machine is this?

What can you tell us about this kind of a simple machine?

Monday, April 19, 2010

What do you know about Anzac Day

Comment below about what you know and how you feel about Anzac Day

Monday, April 12, 2010

39 Clues website

HI Room 3

Cory has suggested that we have a link to the 39 clues website. This is a great website with lots of fun things to do.
Our class is registered and anyone can go on.
If you go to this link you can type in our username and password.
Our username is 'bbpsroom3'
and our password is 'bbpsroom3'
Give it a try :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Watch this to learn a little bit more about pulleys in simple machines and how they work.

Term 2 topic

HI Room 3
This term coming we are learning about simple machines. We will look at how levers and pulleys work as well as other things.
Here is a great website to look at and play the game as you learn about each simple machine.

Have fun,
Mrs P

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Term 1 reflection

This term we learnt about our community around us and how we affect it. We also learnt to make art around what we see in our community. This term in maths we have been learning about column addition and decimals, number lines and place value. Our favourite part of maths was trying to beat the teacher/buddy in our multiplication card games.
We have been learning about recounts and we wrote about our best/worst holiday and we did our me I am which is a character description of ourselves.

From Room 3

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Welcome Room 3 to a great Year 5 class.

We have already done so well in the first term and now we are going to do, learn and enjoy so much more.

Remember to work hard this year and you will enjoy it more and feel good about yourself.

Mrs P