

Monday, April 19, 2010

What do you know about Anzac Day

Comment below about what you know and how you feel about Anzac Day


  1. I know that ANZAC day is on 25th of April and it's a day of rememberince.

    by kiwi

  2. I know that Gallipoli on 25th of April and it was a place in Turkey.

    By Peace

  3. the popple how go to wore are very brave becose they coed die.

    from monkeyman

  4. On April the 25th it is Anzac day. Soilders from both Australia and New Zealand came to Gallipoli, Turkey to fight, risking their lives. Anzac day is a day to remember all the brave soilders that died during the war.

    By JC mushroom

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. my poppa was in the world war 2 and he is still alive 80 in 2010 and the donkey man put worend men and dead men on the donkey and take them back to the hospital

  7. Anzac day is a day to remember all the soldiers that fought in Gallipoli.

  8. i know that anzac is when nz and ausie remember the soilders that were involved in the war but mostly the ones who died and that poppies grew in the battlefield after world war 2

  9. I know that ANZAC stands for Australia New Zealand
    army corparation

    from zazi1

  10. my grandad's dad was in the war. he has his medals
    it's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. in world war 2 (anzac) there was a donkey and his trainer,his donkey saved a lot of people.they helped people under heavy artillery day the trainer was shot so the donkey picked up his trainer and went to the hospital and saved him but sadley he died in hospital and the donkey was shot.

    by somebody :p :>

  13. MY great grandad went to gallipoli in world war 2.
    On anzac day I always think about him because he died when I was six and he always used to tell me story's. an he gave me one medal.

    BY Winkie :]

  14. I know that poppies grow on top of the dead solders.I also know that there family members bake anzac biscits for them wail there at war... ummmmm anzac biscits.

  15. In the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.8556 came 4278 got wounded 2246 died.Anzac day is a day of rememberance of for the soldiers who fought in the war.Anzac day is on the 25th April this year it falls on a Sunday, which is sad because it is meant to be a holiday.

    from fire

  16. i know anzac day is on the 25 of april
    my poppa was in the army when the world war 2 was on poppies were found by the dead men
    from supper sophie

  17. Anzac Day happens because ages and ages world war one and two happend. So on every 25 april every year their is a dawn parade. A Dawn Parade is when people walk in a parade with medles.
    from funny bunny:]

  18. what I know about the Anzac day is that people from all different familys went to war to fight and lots of people lost there lives witch is very sad. We celerbrte Anzac day in lots of different ways like Anzac biskcat or go to a mimorel. What I just cant figer out is why people did this if they know that they are going to die? I really like the story "the donkey man" it is sad but very nice. If u have not read this book it is very cool. U shord read it thow.

    From Dare Devil
